Holistic Photography: Excellence is both a goal and a lifestyle. Few people acheive it; by definition alone it cannot be an egalitarian quality.

In photography, some photographers go that little bit further than most.

They strive to master the photographic medium, to understand and use aesthetics intelligently and to develop and deepen their personal vision and communicate it through their art.

Hopefully some of the photographer’s work will seem straightforward, even easy. As though it was just a matter of being there. Holistic Photography is found in simple sight; that’s why it’s such a challenge to acheive.

‘Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others’ – Swift


Tim Flach – Photographing animals like fashion models

Ian Plant – Great use of Light

Rodney Lough Jr – Large format film and stunning, natural images



Nick Haddow – Sensitive, simple portraiture that’s naturally lit

Anton Corbijn – Iconic film portraiture & album covers

John Kenny – Preserves African tribal members

Arno Rafael Minkkinen – Creatively composed nude (self) portraiture

George Hurrell – Defined Hollywood lighting for symbolic portraits



Minor White – Thoughtful photographs that can be read symbolically

Allan Teger – Creative nude photographs with miniature figures

Hiroshi Sugimoto – Personally felt, artistic photographs



James Nachtwey – Superlative photographer tells evocative stories

Jocelyn Bain-Hogg – Brave, charismatic English photographer

Sebastian Liste – Up-and-coming documentary photographer

Eric Valli – Intriguing narrative photographer

Edward Burtynsky – Photographs the effect we have on our planet

Alain Laboile – Family photography as art; antithesis to scientific photography



Henri Cartier-Bresson – Well timed, Surrealistically composed photographs

Matt Stuart –  Well observed snaps from everyday urban life

Daido Moriyama – Point & shoot art to transmit personal feeling



Andreas Gursky – Vast photographs that document our relationship with the world

Marc Adamus – Technical skills meet artistic vision

Michael Kenna – Simplified monochrome landscape photographs

Ansel Adams – Pioneering use of Light and Composition